Welcome to

Donberg Electronics LTD
Logo of Dönberg Electronics (R)

Importers and Distributors of
Electronic Components and Equipment

Ireland's No.1 for TV-, Video- and Audio Spares

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Criminals are currently sending emails in our name, offering products or sending links to infected files.
We do not send unsolicited emails offering our products to anyone.
Please note that these emails are not from us, so please do not open any attachments or follow any links in such emails, just delete them.
Since 1987

Your Reliable Partner

Dönberg Electronics was founded in 1987.

In all your dealings with Dönberg Electronics you will be treated with honesty and integrity.

Your best interest will always be our top priority.

See some of our regular customers.
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Customer Service

We are specialised in sourcing hard-to-find and discontinued components.

Try us for "elsewhere obsolete" parts. We might be able to source them for you.

Orders can be sent any time by Fax or e-mail.

We offer over 30,000 product images online.
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Orders & Delivery

Please use our shopping basket to submit your order/enquiry.

We pride ourselves on next day delivery within Ireland for orders placed by 1 p.m.

You can reach us by phone from Monday to Friday
from 9:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (GMT).
VISA / Mastercard / PayPal / Moneybookers

      (Managing Director)
(Sales Administration)